Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ok so this is Owen. Owen is one of the kids in my class and he is ADORABLE!!! He kisses his mom in the morning and makes sure he does it at least a million times. He is VERY intelligent and picks up whatever he hears so we have to be extra careful around him! His mom is very sweet and she loves to share some of the funny things that he does at home and they are so cute I want to share them too. I know were not supposed to have favorites at Primrose but Owen undoubtedly makes his way up my list of my personal favorites. He has a little brother and he looks exactly like Owen. He makes me want to wait around til he's three and have him in my class.

Here is Nathan and I dressed like a Monkey on Halloween. Now,you can't tell me this baby is not adorable!!! Anyway, I have had many different favorite moments with Owen and I would like to tell you some:

1) One day, I, as a woman, was telling Ms. Molly how much fat I had to lose in order to look rather decent in the summer. Owen of course was listening and says "Ms. Cinthia you don't have any fat!!" He made my day. One day he'll make a fine husband!!

2) When one of our kids had a birthday party Owen went home and told mom all about it. When mom asked "Who's party?" Owen said "A little fat boy" Now I admit it's kind of mean to think this moment is cute but what three year old describes a friend in this manner. Only Owen=)!

3) Mom telling me that at home she has been telling him to pick up his mess and he has been answering "IS THAT A CHALLENGE?".For the record, he got it off the Lion King!

4) Owen going home and using the very teenage term OMG in the correct manner!! ( By the way mom you can thank Ms. Tra for that one)

5) Owen saying that when he grew up to be a mommy he was going to drink coffee too.

and last but not least.... (DRUMROLL PLEASE)

6) Ms. Linda coming in our class and telling her that she has boobs.

Owen is a joy to have in my class and I am going to miss him once he's not with me anymore. he is like my shadow and is always trying to find something to help me with. I LOVE MY OWEN!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hello Blogging World!!!

Wow! I finally made it! I've been trying to start one for a while now. I was introduced to the blogging business by Jordan and Sheyna Kobty. I am faithfully devoted to their blogs, they are always fun to read!! By the way I am the teacher holding the adorable and irresistable Leland Kobty on Sheyna's blog. I am currently a preschool teacher at Primrose of NE Green Oaks. Not to brag or anything but we have the best bunch of three year olds ever!! They are out of their terrible twos and they are just eager to learn and have fun!!! Here a picture of me and one of my bunches of three year olds on our annual 4th of July parade. Leland was in my class but he comes in every day to say hi to me!! I'm really going to miss him when he forgets about me!!! I enjoy working with them so much. They say the funniest things and since they are just now developing their speech there are some letters that they can't really pronounce. For example, one of my little girls couldn't say the sound for the k. One day when she wore her kitty shirt we asked her what was on her shirt. Her eyes opened really wide and with a sly voice said "These are my titties!!" Fortunately, she can now successfully say her k sounds. Well now on to some of my personal family life. I recently got a new puppy. This of course has it's joyous moments and it's "dog for free" moments. His name is Motley in ode to the Rock band Motley Crue. (my boyfriend is a true fanatic and their not so BAD!!=) I've been wanting a Jack Russell terrier for a while but was always so shocked how much they wanted for a puppy (almost $1,400). I decided I was going to go on the classified ads and find a cheap puppy. One day after looking and looking I found an ad that said "JACK RUSSELL PUPPY $50" so of course I got on that train. He was so cheap because he was born with one blind eye. He's still adorable as can be and acts like any other Jack Russell. It still shocks me that nobody would want such an adorable puppy. Here's a picture of Motley.

I will post more pictures of my kids at school and me so keep a watch on this!!
